Our new website needs work. Here are the first three action items:
1) If you haven’t turned in your Photo Release Form please download a copy, get it signed, and turn it in to Mr Holloway.
2) We need a picture for our header. I recommend an animated GIF image. For instance we can hack the text in our T-shirt logo image and make the gears spin. Maybe make the b go up and down as if it were on a rack. Please send in your ideas. If you need help making an animation let me know. I use a program called gimp.
3) Our website will need rules. I’ld like to see the rules written by the students. Please send in your suggestions.
4) Added 5/21/2017. Ignore this post. It’s Old.
5) Added 5/21/2017. Join our team. We could use students who want to blog and post and maintain our website.