Day 3 started with a lot of hope. 30th was a little high but we had performed well in the middle of the field. But First we have awards to give out.

If one stands in the right spot long enough they will see every robot go by. Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to capture everyone. Here’s about 20 minutes of activity.
That’s all for Days 1 and 2. I promise to publish Day 3 (Saturday) soon. Don’t you want to know how we did?
There was a lot going on during day 2. Here’s a few animated gifs to try and show the excitement. Because we were able to reach out over the platform we did really well scoring coopertition totes. I suspect our drivers had something to do with doing well too.
Well its moving day and we needed to improve over yesterday. Hopefully all of our alliance partners will show up today and help us out. Yesterday our robot movements were much better due to replacing the joystick and reworking the left rear wheel as one roller was rubbing and it did not help when trying to go sideways or straight. We started the day by attending the Mentor Breakfast where Woody discussed changes in how students are taught using electronic media, “robots”. Woody says that the teacher’s roles will be changing to cover the human characteristics required of teaching while the knowledge portion will all be automated.
On the first day we got off to a slow start. In our first match we were missing an alliance partner and did not score well. So we’ve spent the whole day trying to catch up.
Continue reading 2015 USFirst Championships Day 1 of Competition
We leave tonight for Saint Louis MO to compete in the USFirst Championships. You may view the competition online at: thanks to Bob Smarcz, and our Sponsors Optimation, and Kingsbury for helping us crate and ship our robot.
Congratulations to the team for competing at the 2014 Rochester Finglerlakes Regional held at RIT. While we did not place well, we did receive many complements on our robot. It did not help that we were competing against teams that had participated in earlier events. They had an extra day to work out their bugs and two days of competition. We’ll have to have a better strategy for next year.
Our new website needs work. Here are the first three action items:
1) If you haven’t turned in your Photo Release Form please download a copy, get it signed, and turn it in to Mr Holloway.
2) We need a picture for our header. I recommend an animated GIF image. For instance we can hack the text in our T-shirt logo image and make the gears spin. Maybe make the b go up and down as if it were on a rack. Please send in your ideas. If you need help making an animation let me know. I use a program called gimp.
3) Our website will need rules. I’ld like to see the rules written by the students. Please send in your suggestions.
4) Added 5/21/2017. Ignore this post. It’s Old.
5) Added 5/21/2017. Join our team. We could use students who want to blog and post and maintain our website.